API Reference

        model_source: Union[models.Model, str],
        select_source: Union[str, List, None] = None,
        name: str = None,

Construct a DjaqQuery object.

  • model_source: the Django model as a string, optionally with label qualifier or a Model class.

  • select_source: the output column expressions that may be aliased to a name with .. as my_name. This argument can be a string that separates the output columns with columns or a list with a column definition per element.

  • name: provide a name for the query for use later in subqueries

  • whitelist: provide a list of models to allow

context(context: Dict) -> DjaqQuery

  • context: a dict that contains parameter names and values.

conditions(node: B) -> DjaqQuery

  • node: an objects of class B() that encapsulates a filter condition which can be a complex, nested object.

count() -> int

Count the result set.


Return a generator that returns a comma separated value representation of the result set.

get(pk_value: any) -> Model

Return a Django model instance whose primary key is pk_value.


A shortcut for list(dq.dicts()).


Make results unique.


Return a generator that returns dictionary representations of the result set.


Return a generator that returns JSON representations of the result set.

limit(limit: int) -> DjaqQuery

Restrict the results to limit items.


Return a generator that returns objects of type DQResult that are essentially named tuples of the result set.

offset(offset: int) -> DjaqQuery

Start the results at offset of the filtered result set.

map(result_type: Union[callable, dataclasses.dataclass], data=None)

Return a generator that produces a result of a type specified by the dataclass of result_type or returns the type returned by the callable.

When using a dataclass, Djaq will try to map field names of the results to the dataclass field names. The names must be exact matches. Use ... as my_name in your column definitions to get these match up.

When using a callable, your functional or other callable will receive a dict representation of the result set and you can return whatever you wish.

  • result_type: a callable or dataclass

  • data: the context dict for the query

order_by() -> DjaqQuery

qs() -> QuerySet

Return a Django QuerySet class with the filtered results. This QuerySet is exact what you get from QuerySet.raw()

rewind() -> DjaqQuery

This will reset the cursor if you have already started to iterate the results with one of the generator methods.

schema -> Dict

A property that returns a dict representing the schema of a model. Use like this:


schema_all(connection=None) -> Dict

A class method that return a dict of the schema for all models.


You can pass it the connection name optionally.

sql() -> str

Return the SQL for the DjaqQuery.


Return a generator that returns objects of type Tuple for the result set.

update_object(pk_value: any, update_function: callable, data: Dict, save=True)

This will update the object whose primary key is pk_value by calling update_function(), returning whatever the return value is of that callable.


Return the first field of the first record of the result set. This mainly only makes sense when aggregating.

where(node: Union[str, B]) -> DjaqQuery

Define a filter condition for the query.