
Condition objects are like the Q() class in Django QuerySets. The class is B() for Boolean. You can combine various expressions using the Python boolean operators:

c = (B("regex(name, {name}") & B("pages > {pages}")) |  B("rating > {rating}")

You then add the condition to a DjaqQuery:

DQ("Book", "my query...").conditions(c)

If you are using variable substitution as in this example, you’ll want to pass context data. This might be from a Django request object (though it can be from any dict-like object).

It is a special feature that if there is a B() expression that has a variable like pages and the context is missing a variable called pages, that B() expression will be dropped from the final generated SQL.

The purpose of this is to provide a filter expression that is conditional on the presence of data on which it depends. If you have an html form with fields that might or might not be filled by the user to filter the data, you may want to implement a logic that says “if “name” is provided, search in the name field. If it is not provided, the user does not want to search by name.

When you write your conditional expressions, these are what would normally go into the filter part of the query:

rating = 2
price = 10
pages = 700
name = "Dr.*"
DQ("Book", """name as name,
price as price,
rating as rating,
pages as pages, as publisher
""") \
.where("regex(name, {name}) and pages > {pages} and rating > {rating} and price > {price}")  \
.context({"rating": rating, "price": price, "pages": pages, "name": name})

In the following example, it is not required to provide data for all fields, name, pages, rating, price. The conditional expressions will be refactored to accommodate only those expressions that have data provided.

from djaq import B
def book_list(request):

    c = (
        B("regex(name, {name})")
        & B("pages > {pages}")
        & B("rating > {rating}")
        & B("price > {price}")

    books = list(
            "name as name, price as price, rating as rating, pages as pages, as publisher",
        .conditions(c)           # add our conditions here
        .context(request.POST)   # add our context data here
    return render(request, "book_list.html", {"books": books})

You can check how your conditional expressions will look depending on the context data:

In [1]: from djaq.query import render_conditions
In [2]: from djaq.conditions import B
In [3]: c = B("regex(name, {name})") & B("pages > {pages}") & B("rating > {rating}") & B("price > '$(price)'")
In [4]: ctx = {"name": "sample", "pages": 300}
In [5]: render_conditions(c, ctx)
Out[5]: "(((regex(, {name}) and pages > {pages})))"